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  • engelske-flagEngelsk


Jeres mission:

En ukendt gruppe hackere har hacket Skagens kraftværk, konsekvensen er et fuldstændigt sammenbrud, total BLACKOUT.

Jeres team har 120 minutter til at stoppe katastrofen og genoprette strømforsyningen.

Spil op til 5 hold i direkte konkurrence med hinanden. Stjæl point fra jeres modspillere imens I redder verden

Hack jeres familie, venner eller kollegaer og stjæl deres point, For at få succes skal I være strategiske, taktiske og snedige. I skal overveje jeres beslutninger, de andre hold kan komme jer i forkøbet, Hacke jer, stjæle jeres point og lamme jeres spil det næste minut. Det er alle mod alle, og man kan ikke stole på nogen.

Er I klar til at tage udfordringen op? Operation Blackout venter på jer. Saml jeres team, forbered jer på spænding og action, og vis jeres strategiske evner i dette udendørs escape game. Tiden tikker – kan I stoppe katastrofen og genoprette strømforsyningen, inden det er for sent?

Ruten er ca. 2 km

Anbefalet alder: 16+ (13 år ifølge med voksne)

Antal spillere: 2-5 personer (vi anbefaler 2-4 personer)

Spilletid: ca 2 timer (+intro 15 min)

Mulighed for at spille 5 hold mod hinanden (10-25 personer)


Your Mission:

An unknown group of hackers has infiltrated Skagen Power Plant, resulting in a complete breakdown and a total BLACKOUT.

Your team has 120 minutes to stop the catastrophe and restore the power supply.

Play with up to 5 teams in direct competition with each other. Steal points from your opponents while saving the world.

Hack your family, friends, or colleagues and steal their points. To succeed, you must be strategic, tactical, and cunning. Consider your decisions carefully, as the other teams might get ahead of you, hack you, steal your points, and cripple your game from one minute to the next. It’s every team for itself, and you can’t trust anyone.

Are you ready to take up the challenge? Operation Blackout awaits you. Gather your team, prepare for excitement and action, and showcase your strategic abilities in this outdoor escape game. Time is ticking – can you stop the catastrophe and restore the power supply before it’s too late?

  • The route is approximately 2 km.
  • Recommended age: 16+ (13 years old if accompanied by adults)
  • Number of players: 2-5 people (we recommend 2-4 people)
  • Game duration: approximately 2 hours (+15-minute introduction)
  • Option to play 5 teams against each other (10-25 people)